Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Look at how time flies,ramadhan has arrived.
It is a month of reformation and self-reflection in our life.
It is also an opportunity to draw closer to Allah and seek forgiveness.
Insya Allah It will be a better Ramadhan for me my family for him and his family and to all Muslim members, friends to relatives.

Selamat Berpuasa.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013


Hi guys its me again.
I dont know where to start.

Let's go to my studies first, fortunately I did very well for my attachment. My kind-hearted boss scored me well, Alhamdullilah.
Some may take it like its a waste of time but for me no, I make new friends, friends that came from india and people who we taught that are poor but to me they are very rich with knowledge. Indeed they are very knowledgable in IT.
Looking at them actually make me realise how lucky I am to be having my life together with my family with me here. Like I dont go home without having my parents there.
Sometimes it isn't about them having quality time with you but knowing they are there already should enlightened us. We should be thankful enough,besides who else is there in our life besides our parents.
We all should learn to treasure what we have because we all tend to realise when its gone.
I count myself lucky knowing that some have to go thru so much hurdles and adapt to so much changes even when they don't enjoy them.
It feels like you're the only person going through so much and hoping for the days to goes by.
sometimes I feel that i'm here still taking things and opportunities for granted.
Over there,I too learned some things I may not even know, the littlest things that you  know you can add on to your knowledge.

Moving on I'm about to start school in less than a week and I hope i'll do well this semester to have a better GPA to pull up my 1st year. Since I haven't been doing well apart for my attachment. And i'm still here figuring what to do for my presentation.
 I'll probably getting my MBS schedule this month and again it's time to juggle school and work once again.
I hope mum could spare a thought for the little ones since I wont be picking up the qtiepie's  from school anymore.

Going on.....

Alhamdulillah life has been good, much more happier than before even when I feel that I lost so much people in my life,I realise that what you need most is obvious, your family and next comes who makes your life happy. In general,I'm not specifically saying friends aren't important, they are but only the ones who stayed, the one who accepts you, the one who've been there.
Not the one who simply want to be happy around you. and left for something happier or the one who least appreciate what you did for them.
Maybe karma's a bitch on me for always prioritizing on the wrong people but I''m still thankful for having my partner to hold onto me and making sure I don't have to go through this on my own.
It's really upsetting sometimes,how you are good to people and it has always been you trying to please them or maybe showing a strong front each time.
Nuff said.

Going on to love life, well I supposed I've been ranting on how caring& lovey my bf is to me.
Some may asked how sure you may go on with someone for long and in time to come,my answer will always be 'UNTIL YOU FALL IN LOVE, YOU"LL KNOW'
Again.it's where you heart brings you and how it feels.

Rina Errianty.