Sunday, January 05, 2014

This is probably the first post for 2014.
2013 have ended with a blink of an eye, I still can't believe that a year has passed on.
I lose, I gain I survived I cope w my fears. few things have happened to me that made me realise how important one life and safety is. Not to mention, an accident happened to me late of 2013 30th of october. 

My all time fav bestfriends, I couldnt find any friends as true as them. I wish that if they happen to read this, they'll know how much they really mean to me. Always got my back for sure,wherever I am. As mentioned, i was warded and they were the ones who showed so much concern and hoping for my fast recovery. Too dearly for me to even get my hands typing here. Thanks for companying me shower for being a total sweetheart while I wsa in there. For the cards to the bear to the ballon to the flower and lastly for their prayers. Again, I couldn't find any friends who's true enough all this years. Love you three more than anything.

He is the most important person throughout my stay my operation in the hospital.
And the first person in my mind.
He was also the one who gathered and settle about the people who came to visit.
But most importantly he was the one who I needed most. I did my best in the operation room because you ensure me i'll be alright, you send me off to the opertion room while i laid off  getting pushed to do my operation. You waited 8 hours, you make your way to the hospital even when you are not allowed to do that. You fought for me with your incharge sargent and all the above ranks in camp so that you'll be able to make your way down for me. You are by far the most amazing person i've met.

Thank you for visiting me before you book in to camp staying with me the whole time you could even when you have to travel to and fro having lack of rest.


Thank you for bringing me food when the food in the hospital werent good,

 Thank you for the endless love.
And then I still remember when we teared with each other holding on to each other palm, when I was too scared to face everything, Thank you for lifting this spirit up for staying for still treating me the same. I can never explained how thamkful I was to be having someone who means this much.

I love every single get well soon gift cards balloon fruits everything and it made my day in there happier. thank you too for everyone else who came to visit. Making their way to the hospital that may causedso much trouble. thank you colleagues friends and probably the nurses there,x